Thursday, July 30, 2009


How's the edits coming along??? July is to its end...that means , start sending in your submissions.

We've already got a few submissions from Brunei and a skatebording crew from Malaysia/ get on with your final touch and submit.

How to submit??? Well you can always upload it to some file sharing sites and pass the information to the organizers, for them to download.

But, if you worry about the file size and the quality drop, then mail us the edit, burn-ed on a disc in a recognized format.

As for the address to send the disc to, please email

A short synopsis of the video would be good, details of yourself and brief description of yourself, your crew and of course your edit would be appreciated.

And for the premier and announcement of the winners ; that will be done on the 2nd week of August ( either Friday the 14th or Saturday the 15th , more details on the premier will be coming your way soon...)

